Friday, August 26, 2011


...Yesterday was the scariest day of my life. Two words:  Break in....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Preview -This Cold And Wicked War-

I noticed lately, I haven't really been posting any interesting posts. Well,here's one I hope will entertain you. There's a book that I started writing in April and I only got to maybe 4 pages when I couldn't think of anything. This happens quite alot to me. The farthest along in one of my books that I've gone is in a book called Basket Boy. Chapter 8 or 9 I think. But back to this book I began to write in April. It takes place in the 1940's and is about a young woman (age 17) who's mother is shot by a German soldier and killed. It changes her life drastically and she (Alexandria) and her brother (Moe) decide to enlist for the war. Alexandria feels very strong about this-the main reason she wants to join up is to get back at the people who killed her mother. The problem is, she's a girl and only men where aloud to enlist so she poses as a boy, giving a fake name of Adam Wisser. Last night, I got this sudden flow of scenes in this book and I began to write them down. I got at least 6 or 7 pages down. Here's a preview of the scene where she goes to enlist.
At city hall, there were plenty of lads and young men in line. Also, standing around and discussing government. I felt a bit intimidated but I tried my hardest to remind myself who these people really thought I was. "You're a boy, you're a boy, you're a boy" I kept saying to myself over and over until the officer at the front desk called "Next!" and I realized there was no one in front of me. Trembling as I went, I walked up to the desk. "I'd like to enlist" I said in my best man-voice. The officer's shiny tag caught the light and its rays hit my eyes. It read the name "Officer Crane". Possibly a German? My fists clenched."Name?" Officer Crane asked. Oh no. I hadn't thought of a name. I suddenly couldn't feel my feet. Although before my brain could think, my mouth was already answering the question. "Adam Wisser" I answered. Adam?! Why did I choose something so close to my real name? At least I was smart enough not to say Alex.
What did you think? There's alot more to it, thats was only like half a tell me what you thought :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Complete Series

I went to a used video store yesterday and they had season 1,2,3,7,8,9 & 10 of Friends and I bought them all! (Except 7 cuz I already had season 5,6 and 7) so now I have the whole series except season 4! I'm so happy!!! You can just guess what I'll be doing all day....watching Friends!!! :D

Friday, August 5, 2011

All Nighter

I pulled an all nighter last night! woo hoo!!! to pass the time,I: worked on my hatena series, wrote silly stories about the beatles, read, listened to music and finally, watched the sun rise. It was really cool. but now im kinda tired...well i havent slept in like 30 hours!