Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!!

Hey you guys! I know I said I wouldn't be on today but I got a iPod touch for Christmas which allows me to get just about anywhere online! So yeah. And since it's 1:26am it's officially Christmas day! So merry Christmas you guys or whosever reads my sorry excuses for blog posts XD And holy crap it just took me 10 min to write three sentences. Man this is slow.

Friday, December 23, 2011


This week, I've been listening to alot of Foreigner music. They're a pretty good band. It seems each week or so, I become obsessed with a different band. Last week it was David Bowie, the week before E.L.O, the week before Eric Clapton,the week before that Boston, the week before that  The Police and before that I cant remember xP But yeah, this week its Foreigner. My dad also really likes them. But you know who he likes alot? Grand Funk Railway. I like them too, i mean I think Some Kind Of Wonderful is probably the best song ever but thats really it from all of their songs that I like. I kinda like their song Bad Time but its not really high on my charts. Anyway, some Foreigner songs I'd suggest? Hot Blooded, Double Vision and of course my personal favourite: Juke Box Hero! Now most of you probably heard of this song cuz of Guitar Hero or Rockband (it really pisses me off that the only way people my age -13 to 16- know any good music is from a stupid video game). Yeah, thats right. Guitar Hero and Rockband are stupid. You think its hard to play Back In Black on expert? Try playing the real thing on a real guitar. You dont feel like much of a rock star now do you? Didnt think so. I'm sorry, its just that I'm a guitar player and this is just something I feel strongly about. People think just cuz they can press a couple of lousy multicoloured buttons, that they're guitar experts but it takes alot more work. Anyway,  I'm getting off track. So to close up, Today was my last day of school before my 2 week Christmas vacation which will be very nice. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I'm very excited cuz ever since i was born, Christmas Eve was when we opened everything and Christmas day was kind of a "spend time with family but also with your new gifts" day xD So at around 5 or 6 we're going to church service and then coming back and opening stuff up till 2:00. yeah, we always stay up late :P I'm not sure if i'll be on the computer tomorrow. Most likely not so MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! woot 2012!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ah, December

Happy that today is the first day of December for more than one reason-its the month of Christmas. Half the month your not even at school. the first snow is always thrilling. I was getting sick of And with the new month, i have lots planned. Tomorrow, I'm getting off school early to go to this thing downtown with my mom, aunt and cousin called Lowe's Christmas village or something like that. Its an old fashioned village type thing, its supposed to be very good. Then on Saturday, I'm going to the mall with a couple friends to do some Christmas shopping. so yes, much planned.