Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

this morning at 5:00 am, Prince William got married to Kate Middleton (is that how you spell it?!). theres been this HUGE deal about it. they made coins and stamps and scarves and plates and dolls and china with their faces on it! heck, i want a tea cup with MY face on it! haha, but i think I'm probably gonna watch a re-run of it tonight while i drink pop from a tea cup. lol. but the funny thing is, we have a british teacher at our school and today she comes dressed in a Union Jack scarf and she was talking about the wedding and everything. haha, british people are so cute! but they had documentaries on the royal family all week on tv. i actually watched a few. me and my friend Josh were talking about the Queen and how she really doesnt have any power. like, the royal family is just like a decoration. they used to have power but since the government took over, they're just people who represent the country. oh my.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How Tall Is Your Wife?!

theres a joke to remember how to salute a German soldier. it goes like this. you say "How tall is your wife?" and they put out their arm showing you and they say "this tall"and then you put your right hand  back at your shoulder like you're saying "woah!" and you say "too tall for me!" and if you take away the talking part, thats how you salute a German soldier. my cousin showed me that. i thought itd be best to post a joke cuz lately, i need a joke or two to cheer me up. alot of stress. im not in too good spirits...

Monday, April 18, 2011

New Book

Over the weekend, I started writing a new book. It's called Crap Is Not A Bad Word. The tittle may be a little misleading but its turning out pretty well. I'm considering changing the tittle too. I'm already on the 14th chapter! I'm sure i might actually finish this book! lol, but i need some help. I;m stuck with this one part. Joyce is the main character, Paul is the guy she likes and Mark is her best friends. Mark gets dared to kiss Joyce and so i need your help on what should happen. should they: A) Mark tells Joyce that he likes her, B) Mark tells Joyce that he likes her but then Pauls comes in and tells her he likes her too or C) Mark and Paul dont say anything but Mark tells Joyce that he likes her later in the story. Which one should i go with? tell me in the comments!!!!! 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Even Warmer!!!

to my suprise, today was even warmer than yesterday! i didnt even need to wear a coat! when i walked home today, i had my sweater tied around my waiste! i was just waering my short sleeve shirt!! i hope tomorrow is as warm as today. i wanted to go to the park but i didnt have time :( i just really hope tomorrow is just as warm, if not, warmer than today! -random thought- i feel like writing something inspiring!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Glorious Heat

we had our first really warm day today with temp. of 60 degrees (or 15 if your canadian). it was almost like summer except i dont think it was that hot but it felt like it. im glad winter has finally desided to get his butt out of here cuz his visit was over stayed. i dont know why but i keep using medifores today. the warm sun is like a huge light bulb. the birds cherping are like a sweet melody in my ears. the rayes of sun beaming down on my face gave me a warm feeling. wow, im getting too poetic there, ha ha xD 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

119th Anniversary Of The Ice Cream Sundae!

when i went on google today, i saw it was in the theme of the 50's malt shoppes and it was like 50's diner style and i just had to save it. cuz as some of you may know, im obsessed with the 50's! ha ha, so here's the pic if you missed it today.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Average Person

i've been thinking lately of what or who the average person is. and im pretty sure im not the average person. let me lay it out for you. the average person is born some time in January with no dis formed parts and with blue eyes and brown hair. they grow up and start kinder garden at the age of 4 and has 4 or 5 close friends. they grow up and get a 75% to 80% average in school. they get they're first boyfriend/girlfriend at the age of 14 or 15. they get an average paying job and get married at the age of 23 or 24. they have they're first kid at the age of 28 and they're second kid at the age of 30 or 31. they live in a 2 story home and might get divorced once in their life. they drink beer but is not an alcoholic. they then die at the age of 86 or 89. just thought i'd say that. and just and update, i just got a cellphone! yay! :D