Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pity The Backseat

Often, I'll read something that will amaze me. It could be a paragraph, a chapter or even just a sentence. Well, amaze might be a little off from what I'm trying to describe. More like it jumps out at me and i might think its clever or i might like the way its worded. In this case its a about a paragraph but the one sentence is what i love particularly, from my favourite book, The Outsiders. This is straight from the book.
"Listen, greasers, we got four more of us in the back seat...".
"Then pity the back seat" Two-Bit said to the sky.
"If you're looking for a fight..."
Two-Bit cocked an eyebrow, but it only made him look more cool. "You mean if I'm looking for a good jumping, you outnumber us, so you'll give it to us? Well..." He snatched up an empty bottle, busted off the end, and gave it to me, then reached in his back pocket and flipped out his
switchblade. "Try it, pal."
The line "pity the back seat" is what really jumped out at me. I'm not entirely sure why. I think its a bold line and shows that he's ready to fight.
All credit goes to S.E.Hinton for the writing.

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