Tuesday, January 18, 2011


ok, let me make this clear. i offically HATE science!!! >:(  its so pointless and its not like you'll use it when you grow up except for if you want to be scientist. geeze, i was away from science for two weeks and apparently we had this huge project due today that i didnt know about so now i only have two freakin' days to work on it and everyone else had two weeks!!! you know what? school is so stupid. if i didnt want to be  a writer, i would have stopped caring about school a long time ago. im not even supposed to be on the computer now, im supposed to be in bed but since my project took up the whole night (and i had guitar lessons), i didnt get a chance to go online. and you know what? i dont think 10:00 is a reasonable bed time, do you? yeah, so that was my day. not really but whatever. but i feel bad for calling Jakob a jackass. i want to apologize but i have no idea what to say. hmmm...

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