Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Eagle Has Landed-my personal thoughts

So tonight, me and my dad finished watching a movie called The Eagle Has Landed. Its a war movie about a bunch of German soldiers who were orded to kill Winston Churchill from the "Führer" or Hitler (Führer roughly translated is 'leader' in German and thats what they often called Hitler). In the beginning, it starts out in Germany with a highly ranked German colonel (or at least i think he was a colonel) who got a letter from Hitler saying he wanted him to kill Winston Churchill. So the colonel ( i forget his name) meets with this Irish guy named Liam Devlin and he joins him on his mission. They then find this other German guy who used to be highly ranked and who has men, a bout and skills, who's name is Kurt Steiner. He also joins them. They set off on their trek to England where Churchill is planning to visit. When they get there, Devlin meets a girl, Molly Prior, and they fall madly in love (lol). About 3 quarters through the movie, the Americans catch wind of the Germans plan and thats when the battle starts. There's also a lady named Joanna Grey who deceived everyone and was really on the German's side the whole time even though she was British. So in the end, Steiner dies, the American General dies, the German colonel dies, Joanna dies, alot of the Germans die, alot of the Americans die and get this. The whole time, "Winston Churchill" was really some guy pretending to be him in case some thing like this had happened. And guess what. STEINER KILLS HIM! so yeah, this moved kinda pissed me off cuz I absolutely HATE movies where everyone dies. But lately, that happens in alot of the movies i watch. I mean, for example: Forest Gump, Inglorious Bastards, The Great Escape (well not really but alot of people do die), Water For Elephants and now this one. Good day to you, sir!

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