Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Guy Friends Are Great

I'm a girl. And I dont really hang with alot of girls. Well, not anymore. From grade 1-4 I didnt have very many friends and then I went to a new school in grade 5 and made alot of friends. Two of them were girls and 3 of them were guys. After that year i guess we just got tired of each other because in 6th grade we separated. I went with my other girl friends and the guys went off with themselves. In 6th grade I had more friends but only 4 really close ones-girl friends. Then in 7th grade my friendship circle narrowed and I wasnt very social. I only really had  4 girl friends and we were all really close. But the thing with that (it was last year) was we were always bitching about each other. Talking behind each other's backs and ALWAYS getting into hissy fights over the smallest things! Granted it was usually one girl who started it all the time but got really annoying. But when this year started, i had to face the whole "being in a class with no friends" factor, i had to become more social and make new friends. Which I did. I have to say,I have alot of friends. I talk to mostly everyone. But the main thing different this year from last year is my close friends. My best friend is a girl, Haley, which i think is only right. I mean, shes SO nice and we get each other and we're really close. We've been best friends for 3 years. Then I have this other girl friend I'm not exactly close to but she was one of my close friends from last year. But the remainder of my friends are guys! And at breaks and stuff I hang with Haley, Adam, Martin and JR. And what I've noticed is...I dont have friendship fights or hissy fits anymore because i hang with guys and honestly, guys dont really give a shit so it works out great anyhow! I mean, they dont take insults seriously, they are way more passive and they're just really nice. And its not like a dude is gonna bitch about you behind your back. Maybe if you really bother him but these guys are my friends. I also have other guy friends like Josh, Kyle and Connor. And mind you, I do have other girl friends i just dont hang out with them too much. Factor being = too much drama! I had enough of that last year. All in all, I'm glad guys dont gossip about you or get jealous cuz you have bigger boobs than them :)

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