Friday, February 24, 2012

You Aint Gonna Believe This!

do you remember that poem i posted back in November called I Raise My Hat? I dont know if i told you or not but, i entered that poem into a Legion writing contest. SO a couple months passed and i figured i didnt win like the last two years i entered. But little did i at school, we had an assembly and some people from our school had won the legion contest (theres 1st 2nd and 3rd). i actually came in late this morning, i come and everyone's coming out of the gym cuz it just finished and theyre like "you won! you won!" and im like "what did i win?" and their like "you got second place in the legion contest!" so then i kinda freaked out and did a little happy dance right in the middle of the hall xD
But yeah, they gave me a certificate and they framed it, they gave me $20 and a pin!! i'm sooo happy.
ALSO i'm walking up to the plaza tomorrow with Haley, Adam, Martin and Brock so i'll tell you how that goes, some funny stuff is probably GO DOWN (it always does with those guys) so i'll keep you posted.
ALSO i made a new youtube that imma use for just ranting and making funny videos. I've posted 4 so far, my channels called TheGreaseBird and you'll know its me cuz my icon is a photo of a 50's girl drinkin tea. THAT IS ALL!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I read that poem and I liked it very much! :)
