Saturday, May 26, 2012

Why The Book Thief Should Become A Movie

Because I want to see Liesel kiss Rudy's dead lips in the rubble of a tarnished and destroyed Himmel Street.

Well maybe thats just one of the reasons. I've been reading The Book Thief since March and I finished it just this week (if I had more time to read, I would've finished it sooner). It's such a poignant and moving story, I will admit that I literally shed a few tears at the end. Mainly because of the multiple times Rudy had asked Liesel for a kiss towards the beginning and she'd tease him, saying no, yet towards the end, she really did want to kiss him but never brought up the nerve. There were two scenes in particular that she had the urge. My favourite one:

I wrote a fan fiction called Kiss Him, Liesel, Kiss Him which is a continuation from this scene. Instead of Liesel helping Rudy off the floor...something else happens ;P But I also wrote a free style poem about them. I dont know what it is, they just seem like two people who were torn apart by death while secretly in love who, I think, should've kissed before Rudy died. I mean, the ending could make anyone cry. I dont mean to be a spoiler but this is what happens:
Liesel is writing in the basement when there is an air raid and the sirens fail to sound and EVERYONE including Liesel's parents, her neighbours and Rudy and everyone on her street die from the bombs. The rescuers find her in the rubble of her house, she was saved since she was in the basement. She then discovers that everyone is dead, she finds Rudy in the rubble (Rudy is her best friend, neighbour and its obvious that by now -the books goes on for about 4 years- she's fallen in love with him as he's always been in love with her but they never mentioned it, the closest they came was Rudy asking her for a kiss.'s incredibly sad, this is what happens when she finds him: She cries:
"Rudy, wake up…wake up, Rudy. Rudy, please. Rudy, please, wake up. Damn it, wake up. I love you. Come on, Rudy, Come on, Jesse Owens, don’t you know I love you, wake up,wake up,wake up…”
Yes :( and then she kisses his dead body in the rubble.
You know, it kills me how sad it is and it just kills me how the author didnt make them kiss at the times that they should've, but then again, the ending wouldn't of been so romantic if they'd already of kissed.
ANYWAY, i did read that the rights for the book to become a movie are in the process but heres the thing: they better not choose someone ugly (arent I nice?) or annoying to play Liesel. I almost always hate female characters because they always seem annoying to me but I actually liked Liesel. and they better choose someone perfect for Rudy or else my imagination will be ruined along with his character.
Its kinda like The Outsiders, but i think they chose perfect casting for the roles. But if they did make a movie out  of The Book Thief, theres one thing I know that would really piss me off. Often, characters in movies will have different features than the characters in the books. Like one in the book will have blue eyes and the one in the movie will have green eyes. In The Book Thief, Rudy's lemon coloured hair is a HUGE part of his character, his hair colour is mentioned probably twenty times in the book.It would piss me off so much if the Rudy in the move
With that being said, my fingers are really tired and your eyes are probably tired too. If you havent read The Book Thief, I suggest you do, its beautiful.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What'd You Expect Me To Do?

So, I was taking a bike ride today as I like to do when it gets hot and it got up to 90*F today so I went out. Also, I got that new bike I was telling you guys about so it was fun after having the same bike for 7 years xP
So I went all around my neighbour hood and up into others. I actually went up this huge ass hill which just wiped me right out. I went for around an hour and then went again at nigh after we set off fireworks in the park for Victoria Day!
On my day time ride, one street was pretty busy so I took the side walk.While I was riding on the side walk, I ran over someone's water hose and they yelled at me to watch where I was going. In real life, I just went on riding but in my head, I wanted to skid my bike to a stop, turn back at her and say (profanity alert) "Honestly, bitch? It was on the fucking sidewalk. What'd you expect me to do, stop and lift up the fucking bike?" xD
Yep,so thats all I've got to say. OH I went to see The Avengers on friday night with friends for the second time xD it was that amazing.I mean, I'd pay to see Captain America twice ;D
you know, I actually heard they're making a second Captain America. Lucky for me ;P

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Putting On A Production

So I dont know if I told you guys but since October, I've been involved in our school musical which was High School Musical (yeah its not the best play but it was fun) and just this week was the production! Now, I've never really been in a play. Sure I've been in the average class skit but this play was so amazing! We did productions Tuesday during school, Wednesday night and Thursday night! There was one main set at the back of the stage that was painted to be a gym then the stage actually went out a little into the audience and there were two risers, one to the left and to the right. One had a set that was painted to be some lockers and the other was painted to look like a class room and then you could turn it into a rooftop garden. Now, in the play, I had two characters. I played Coach Bolton (yeah i know its a dude. So what, i just put my hair under a hat) and also a skater when we did Stick To The Status Quo. So i had to change backstage inbetween scenes behind the main set because there were nails sticking out of the wood at the back (it was supported by wooden planks) that we hung our costumes on with hangers.
Anway, I'm a little sad now cuz it's all over. I never knew how much fun a play could be :)

Yeah thats supposed to be Coach Bolton from the movie xD The audience was probably like "woah coch bolton sounds like a girl"xD cuz I had to yell alot for my lines. Thank God I'm Greek xD

Aaaaand those are the skaters xP
i wish I had photos of our actual performances. I do have a photo of me as Coach Bolton but its on my ipod. Oh well.