Friday, February 11, 2011

An Insane Poem

some poems are weird. some are strange. but i just read one that is INSANE! its called Daddy by Sylvia Plath. its maybe 50 lines and some times it makes sense but at other times, it makes no sence at all! i actually laughed a couple times when i was reading it cuz its just so weird and makes no sense. But i think i can relate to some stuff she says about her feeling as if she were a Jew being sent to a death camp. It must have been horrible to be sent to a death camp. not even imaginable. i wish i had like never ending lives and i could time travel so i could see what it was like. then when i die, i'll just come back from the dead and try jumping off  a cliff and see what it feels like. then i'll come back and run right into a twister and see how that feels. but my lives would be never ending, you see. "am i talking too much?!" -James Stewart from It's A Wonderful Life. i sometimes like to say lines from different movies and such. its fun cuz no one knows where its from!

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