Monday, February 14, 2011

Sick On Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day! well, not for me :( i was sick all day! im still sick now! im actually sitting in my bed and typing this on my laptop! my throat burns, my neck hurts, my head throbs, my eyes are in pain and it hurts everytime i look a certain way! and i didnt even get a candy gram from Jakob... my friends crush told her he liked her. why couldnt it just be that easy for me to get someone?! seriously, i think im boy repellent or something. but Haley asked me to be her valentine and i said yes and then we burst into laughter cuz neither of us are lesbians. i finished reading When The War Is Over (a book) yesterday. i loved the whole book but the ending was terrible! her whole family turned against her and rejected her, her best friend turned against her and a group of her friends called her a whore! so decided i was gonna write my own ending, picking up where the author left off. so, my ending is, she moves in with Helmut and he asks her to marry him, then her father comes and says he and her brother are sorry and that her mother shot herself in the head and her best friend was murdered by her boyfriend. so Janke and Helmut lived happily ever after! ha ha xD

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