Thursday, February 10, 2011

When Friends Fight

i hate it when friends fight. it always ends up with someone's feelings getting hurt and whispering and lies and someone ends up feeling sick for the rest of the day. yes, this has something to do with what happened yesterday and today between me, Rebecca, Kiara and Maija. yesterday, Kiara got mad at me cuz i said i didnt like Jason and apparently i used a "snobby tone" to her (which i did not do). then she got Rebecca not to talk to me and they ignored me for the rest of the day. then today, before school started, i was talking to Rebecca and she said she wasnt mad at me but Kiara was. then when we were about to go to gym class, Kiara laughed at a joke i made and was like "thats so funny". it really made no sense. then later today, Maija got mad at Kiara cuz she was saying something that wasnt true about her and so Maija only talked to me and not Rebecca or Kiara. i think the only person who stayed sane in this whole mess is Haley. i really dont see why we can all just keep peace with each other.GIVE PEACE A CHANCE.

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