Monday, April 18, 2011

New Book

Over the weekend, I started writing a new book. It's called Crap Is Not A Bad Word. The tittle may be a little misleading but its turning out pretty well. I'm considering changing the tittle too. I'm already on the 14th chapter! I'm sure i might actually finish this book! lol, but i need some help. I;m stuck with this one part. Joyce is the main character, Paul is the guy she likes and Mark is her best friends. Mark gets dared to kiss Joyce and so i need your help on what should happen. should they: A) Mark tells Joyce that he likes her, B) Mark tells Joyce that he likes her but then Pauls comes in and tells her he likes her too or C) Mark and Paul dont say anything but Mark tells Joyce that he likes her later in the story. Which one should i go with? tell me in the comments!!!!! 

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