Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

this morning at 5:00 am, Prince William got married to Kate Middleton (is that how you spell it?!). theres been this HUGE deal about it. they made coins and stamps and scarves and plates and dolls and china with their faces on it! heck, i want a tea cup with MY face on it! haha, but i think I'm probably gonna watch a re-run of it tonight while i drink pop from a tea cup. lol. but the funny thing is, we have a british teacher at our school and today she comes dressed in a Union Jack scarf and she was talking about the wedding and everything. haha, british people are so cute! but they had documentaries on the royal family all week on tv. i actually watched a few. me and my friend Josh were talking about the Queen and how she really doesnt have any power. like, the royal family is just like a decoration. they used to have power but since the government took over, they're just people who represent the country. oh my.

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