Friday, October 14, 2011

The Little French Man

so, lately I've been feeling kinda...down. I dont really know why. School stuff. But today, my buddies Adam and Josh really cheered me up. They probably dont know this and i'd be a wuss if i told them but it really...cheered me up. See, Adam sits beside me and Josh sits behind me so all through math class and pretty much the rest of the day (we have math for like 3 periods) we were cracking jokes and like laughing our butts off. I got all racist (not really) and was calling people irish or french or german or brittish, depending on their last name (im into that kind of stuff) and Josh's last name is a french name so I started calling him "little french man". For a while he didnt like it but after like 45 minutes of me and Adam teasing him and alot of side-splitting laughs, he didnt seem to mind. So, that kinda made my day. Laughing. Its true, laughter is the best medicine...or is it love? if it is love then...i'm probably not gonna have that medicine for a LONG TIME. as i walked home, me and my friend sang "Love Stinks". And its kinda true.

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