Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Is Coming

In a couple days (3 to be exact) it will be halloween. Which means two things. First and most obvious, the whole halloween thing. Getting dressed up, going trick or treating. But it also means Halloween dance at my school. Now i'm not one to swoon (well..actually...) but my friends are bugging me about taking someone with me to the dance. I dont know why. I've never been anyone's date to a dance and i dont plan to ask. I'm not that desperate. No offence if your a girl and you'd asked a guy to a dance. I just dont think i could see myself doing that. I mean if someone asked me, maybe i'd go (if the guy was decent and we were at least acquaintances) But anywho, even though most people would say i'm too old to be trick or treating, i say, screw them i'm going anyway. i'm being a world war 2 pilot. I'm going with my friends Haley, Rebecca and Kathryn. So thats it for now. By the way, if your looking for a nice easy listening song, try Love Comes To Everyone by George Harrison. I'm listening to it right now and its just a nice song to listen to.

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