Thursday, November 24, 2011

Hugo Stiglitz DUN DUN!!!

I dont know why I haven't made a post about this before but on the weekend, me and my 23 year old cousin watched Inglorious Bastards! (yeah, the parents were not amused,lol). But anyway, I gotta say, one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. I know not all of its funny but when your a racist like me, everything about Germans is funny. Tee hee. There's this one scene especially that me and my cousin like best. Its only about 15 seconds long, its the part where the Bastards caught some nazi's in the ditch and the guy who Brad Pitt plays (cant remember his name) says to the nazi (granted Brad Pitt's holding a gun to the nazi's head) "have you heard of Hugo Stiglitz?". The nazi says "everyone in the German army's heard of Hugo Stiglitz" and it shows Hugo and this guitar music goes off, it hilarious. If you wanna watch it, I've posted the scene here:

And speakin of germans, during History this afternoon (we had to get in our groups but we were done so i was just talkin to random people -and by random I mean Adam, Martin 'Martinie' lol, and afterwards, JR-) and I was bein all racist not really...well kinda...whatever and towards the end of the day, I was making a nazi joke to JR and he walked off and said "i kill nazis" (or something like that) and im like "well you do that, even though you are one" and then he agreed with me that he wanted to kill the Germans when he is a german! my god. And all day we were calling Martin, 'Martini" and then me "Linguini" and Adam "Adom" we were putting "olini" at the end of everything to make it italian!
Oh and by the way, if i offend your race in anything that I post,i am sorry. Its nothing person. And most of my references are from World War 2 anyway soooo....yah. happy hunting xD 

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