Friday, November 11, 2011

Remembrance Day

I would like to dedicate this post to all the soldiers who have died on war and continue to die for our country or which ever country you are from. A singer I know once said "It takes courage to fight your own war. It takes courage to fight someone else's war". As you might know, I am extremely interested in World War 2 and 1940's.  Some war movies that I'd recommend? Patton, The Great Escape, The Dirty Dozen and you might want to watch The Big Red One. Me and my dad couldnt get through it, it was too weird for us (cutting each other's ears off, men kissing men, guts being thrown at each other and what not). Also, if your interested in holocaust (which i am as well) you'd want to watch Schindler's List although, this summer i couldnt make it through it. It was to graphic and i just burst into tears cuz usually with torture movies like Schindler's List, you just tell yourself "its not real, its not real" but in this case-it was real. Also, The Story Of Anne Frank might be a good movie for you. It does have some scenes in the death camps but its not too graphic. Also, if anyone's noticed, today is the 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year of the 2000's. And we stood for a moment of silence at 11:00. Well I did, anyway. Did you? I'd like to share a poem I wrote for Remembrance Day. Its called I Raise My Hat.
I raise my hat
to the men who died
I raise my hat
to the wives who cried
I raise my hat
to the wounded and the scarred
I raise my hat
to the strong at heart
I raise my hat
to the brave and the proud
I raise my hat
to the women who lost their men in the croud
I raise my hat
to the soldiers who never came home
I raise my hat
to the mothers worrying, all alone
I raise my hat to the dead, the brave, the live and the proud.
They lost their life for you.
Surely you can raise your hat for them.

------------- REMEMBER THOSE WHO DIED-----------------


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