Tuesday, March 13, 2012


So my laptop has been without Internet for 6 months and just a few days ago, i got it fixed! WOO HOO! so i though i'd share that. Also, i have this nasty cold on spring break woo hoo which sucks. like head ache, burning throat, stuffed nose, the works. i've been bedridden for about 4 days now, today was the first day i was able to get out and about. I went to the park with some friends and you wouldn't believe how warm it was! I took off my sweater and my jacket which i put on a bench which i later regretted cuz someone tied their Rottweiler dog to that bench. needless i had to wait for an hour to get my jackets cuz trust me, i was NOT going anywhere near that thing!
ANYWHO, i also made a fanfiction account (its a site where you can write stories using characters from movies, books, ect) called Retro Soul. I think i told you guys that already but I've posted some stuff now. If you do check out my stories on there: word to the wise, DO NOT read Smoke In The Dark. its horrible, i messed up terribly. I sudgest you read my Take A Ride On The Wilde Side. It's a crossover between The Outsiders and The Hitcher, only i posted it under normal and just under The Outsiders cuz no one wouldve seen it the other way.So yeah, thats all. Reviews on fanfic are appriciated!

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