Friday, January 21, 2011

learning My Sweet Lord

i officially know all the chords for My Sweet Lord by George Harrison on guitar! the 4th chord is the hardest but the 5th chord is the prettiest. its actually 7:54 am, right now. im supposed to be getting ready for school but i decided to go on my lap top cuz i sleep in to 7:59 anyway. and then i jump outta bed and get ready real fast xD haha. when you wake up on Friday morning, its kinda a relief. you know what im saying? but i think we do have a test. my stupid teacher, we have a test almost every day of the week. Monday: nothing Tuesday: math test Wednesday: another math test Thursday: history test Friday : another math test!!! >:( i is mad. omg, it 8:04!!! need to get ready! ok, bye. and one last thing, i was listening to I Gotta Woman (50's rock and roll song) and some of the lyrics were "she knows a woman's place-right back there, well a hanging 'round the home"! i was like :0

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