Wednesday, January 26, 2011

a sisterly love

lately, i've been feeling very close with one of my friends. y'know how you are so close to one of your friends until you get to the point where you love them? not in a lesbian way -  i mean in a sisterly way. i've been feeling this way about Haley ever since December when we went sledding that one time and we were lying on the snow and talking. im not a lesbian,  i just feel a certain love for her. and me being an only child, i would say she's the closest thing a have to a sister. we hang out with each other every chance we can and we never get into fights. we know almost everything about each other and we understand each other completely. we respect each other and would never do any thing to hurt each other spitefully. we could spend hours just sitting with each other just talking. thats the way i feel about her. i love you, Haley. 

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