Friday, January 28, 2011

P.A. DAY!!! YES!!!

finally its friday!we got a P.A. day which mean NO SCHOOL!!!!!!! hell yeah! my plans for the day: sit at the computer in my PJ's then go eat, come back to the computer, go watch tv, go listen to music then watch a movie, come back to the computer and eat again! ha ha xD but i have to go to Wal-Mart to get a birthday present for my friends birthday party on Saturday.ooh and i'll want to play my guitar cuz i just got a new one yesterday. apparently, the one i had (Epiphone acoustic), the neck of the guitar was warped so i had to get a new one so now i have a chery red Denver acoustic and i named her Rose. i named the Epiphone Michelle but now she's gone :( i might take a pic of my new guitar and post it. we'll see...

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