Wednesday, January 19, 2011


my friend Desiree told the guy i used to like that i loved him!!! omg!!! :0 im so freakin' scared!!! she also asked him if he liked me that way and he said no :( that kinda sucks cuz i still like him a tiny bit but hardly, y'know? im done with boys until high school which is only like a year away.then stupid Jakob will see what a fool he was and not taking me when he could've gotten me cuz i'll be off with other guys :P you know how i said i felt bad about calling him a jackass? well, i take it back. he is a jackass. but a very cute jackass xD Desiree is lucky. Kyle is so in love with her. today was her birthday so he gave her a package of Life Savers and wrote on the wrapper "Happy Birthday, Desi!". now, it doesnt get any sweater than that!!! when i saw it, i was all like "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that's so freakin' cute!!!". i also wrote another song tonight when i got home. its called Smile. i'll post it later. you know what i just discovered? its really hard to write a love song when you dont love anyone. 

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