Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Dance Kinda Sucked

We had our spring dance and it kinda sucked. Desiree, Kiara and Emma were crying because the boy they liked wouldnt dance with them. And Jason said he wanted to kiss Rebecca and then Kiara got all mad and jealous and wouldnt talk to any of us and sulked the whole dance. Desiree finally got to dance with Conner at the end. But Emma never got to dance with Greg. As for me, Jakob wasnt there, just like he said but i tried to make the best of it and danced a bit with Haley but i never got to slow dance with anyone. Maija got to dance with Justin! That was cute. Brock was also sulking because he asked Marissa to dance and she said no. But honestly, he's been after the same girl for 3 years and every time, she's rejected him. Just leave her alone, Brock! And I guess, i kind of cleared the air with Brock because i thought he hated me and he thought i hated him and that wasnt true so i guess we're friends now. But I'm still not that fond of him... Over all, the dance was OK i guess, but it would have been a heck of a lot better if Jakob was there. I just discovered the Decca Tapes (a beatles album) and my new favourite song is Three Cool Cats. Hey man, save one chick for me!! haha, thats part of the lyrics xD


  1. That sounded alot like me and my friends at are last school dance .Kind of funny my cruch wasnt at my school dance either so I was bored the whole time.

  2. Lol! Thanks Leah!! Justin was all smiley!! But i don't think we should go out1! I have feelings for someone else!!
