Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So Excited!

omg, tomorrow is Market Day and i'm sooo excited! we have this thing at school where you make stuff and then sell it on Market Day. its not much, probably only 50 cents to a dollar, stuff like that. i'm making candy shishkabobs with Maija and Kiara :P i laughed cuz last week, Jakob said to me and Haley "It sucks cuz for Market Day, i dont have anything to sell or any money to buy stuff" and Haley asked him if he wanted to paint nails for people with her! ha ha xD cuz for Market Day, she's painting people's nails. I'm slightly better at the finger picking tody than i was yesterday but i still suck at it :P i think i need one of those guitar picks that go around your finger. 


  1. Lolll!! Yephhe\\!!! Yeah i can't belive it either!! And it's Haliey not Haley!! Soryy to sound rude if ir is!! Love ya!!

  2. no, she spells it H A L E Y. its on her back back! lol xD
