Sunday, March 13, 2011

That 70's Show

I stayed up till 5:00 AM last night, watching back to back episodes of That 70's Show on tv!!! and i must say, i've never really watched that show before, i've always seen the title as i scanned the channels but i never bothered to watch it. but that was a mistake cuz that show is one of the most funniest shows i've ever seen!!! I kept laughing! I think it very well might be one of my favourite tv shows now! but my ABSOLUTE favourite show is Saturday Night Live!! thats like the high light of my weekend! ha ha. I think Eric and Donna make a cute couple but they're always fighting. I remember this one scene Donna says " I love you" and Eric says "enough for you to strip for me?" Donna slaps him and he says "I mean, i love you too!!" ha ha xD

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